Thus Spoke He-Man 3/7 – A Very Good Idea For A Podcast (Seriously)

Fraggle Shrugged

Sigfred gets deeper into his big passion project: uncovering all the deep, hidden connections between He-Man and Thus Spoke Zarathustra that are obviously there. Obviously. This time we cover the He-Man episode “Teela’s Quest”, and Zarathustra tells us about the Three Transformations. So that’s exciting!

Sigfred has got a really good feeling about this show. He thinks it’s a good match with these two items of intellectual property. Everything’s going nice and smooth, and he and Robo-Henrik can just take it easy from here on out.

NEXT WEEK: Episode 4 – A Guest Stops By

Thus Spoke He-Man is a miniseries made by Månegal Media, as part of our podcast Fraggle Shrugged. Find more cool stuff at

Written, performed, produced, composed etc. by Sigfred Nielsen.

Featuring Emil Rothstein-Christensen.

The show makes use of short clips of copyrighted content, for satirical purposes. If you represent the rightsholders, you can contact us at

Fraggle Shrugged
Fraggle Shrugged
Thus Spoke He-Man 3/7 - A Very Good Idea For A Podcast (Seriously)